VALKI - Master The Game
商城出現了自己喜愛的造型卻不敢下手嗎?在 VALKI 裡發文和其他玩家分享您的每日造型,或是展示昨晚在家拿到的五殺戰績,讓朋友一起見證您的精彩瞬間吧!
❤️ 願望清單
星靈夢翼 - 暴徒
💰 剩餘特務幣
發現錯誤/無法登入 不知道如何解決?
當使用 VALKI 時,如果遇到任何錯誤,您可以前往我們的官網,並加入 VALKI 的 Discord 伺服器。VALKI Discord 是提供支援的伺服器,您可以在那裡與開發者或其他使用者交流,尋求專業的協助並修正錯誤。我們的開發團隊和社群成員將會盡力幫助您解決問題,確保您能夠順利使用 VALKI。
特戰英豪玩家必備 - VALKI 讓你隨時了解每日更新!
VALKI 是專為熱愛特戰英豪的玩家設計的最佳遊戲助手,透過 VALKI 能夠隨時隨地在手機上查看最新的遊戲資訊和每日商店更新。不論是把握每一次重要的遊戲更新還是抓住限時優惠,VALKI 都能確保你不會錯過任何一個重要時刻。立即下載 VALKI,讓這款便捷的遊戲助手成為你遊戲生活中不可或缺的一部分!
海洋星球 2.0
VALKI 讓您能輕鬆查看每日更新的遊戲商店,不再錯過任何新的道具或限時優惠。無論您身在何處,隨時隨地都能透過手機獲取最新的商店內容,讓您的遊戲體驗更加豐富多彩。
VALKI 提供即時的對戰結果報告,讓您能快速瞭解自己的遊戲表現和戰績。無論是查看個人戰績還是分析團隊表現,VALKI 的報告功能能夠幫助您提升遊戲技巧並與隊友分享戰術。
VALKI 確保您獲得最新的遊戲版本更新資訊,包括新增功能、遊戲平衡調整和修復的錯誤。立即下載 VALKI,第一時間獲取版本更新的詳細內容,保持在遊戲最前線!
VALKI 提供便捷的手機端選取對戰特務功能,讓您隨時隨地調整和查看遊戲中的對戰設置。不論是準備新一場比賽或者檢視之前的戰績,VALKI 的手機端特務選取功能都能滿足您的需求,提供更加靈活的遊戲體驗。
立即體驗 VALKI,免費下載
iOS 和 Android 雙平台全面支持
VALKI 會員方案
$0.00 / 月
- 最多綁定 1 個帳號
- 手機端選取對戰特務
- 版本更新搶先報
- 對戰結果報告
- 每日商店檢視
$120 / 月
- 包含所有普通方案功能
- 最多綁定 3 個帳號
- 去廣告
- LineUp 頁面
- 社群系統新增白金標誌
$210 / 月
- 包含所有白金方案功能
- 不定期抽獎回饋
- 最多綁定 5 個帳號
- 社群系統新增尊爵標誌
- 一對一專業客戶服務
- 合作宣傳服務
Ren 臭甲
Unanimous Approval Ribbon Title
We are proud to announce that our project has received unanimous approval from all stakeholders. This milestone reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire team. We are excited to move forward with confidence and support as we continue to achieve our goals and deliver exceptional results.We are proud to announce that our project has received unanimous approval from all stakeholders. This milestone reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire team. We are excited to move forward with confidence and support as we continue to achieve our goals and deliver exceptional results.We are proud to announce that our project has received unanimous approval from all stakeholders. This milestone reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire team. We are excited to move forward with confidence and support as we continue to achieve our goals and deliver exceptional results.We are proud to announce that our project has received unanimous approval from all stakeholders. This milestone reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire team. We are excited to move forward with confidence and support as we continue to achieve our goals and deliver exceptional results.We are proud to announce that our project has received unanimous approval from all stakeholders. This milestone reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire team. We are excited to move forward with confidence and support as we continue to achieve our goals and deliver exceptional results.We are proud to announce that our project has received unanimous approval from all stakeholders. This milestone reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire team. We are excited to move forward with confidence and support as we continue to achieve our goals and deliver exceptional results.
Seven317 倫
Unanimous Approval Ribbon Title
We are proud to announce that our project has received unanimous approval from all stakeholders. This milestone reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire team. We are excited to move forward with confidence and support as we continue to achieve our goals and deliver exceptional results.
Windowsed 小啦
Unanimous Approval Ribbon Title
We are proud to announce that our project has received unanimous approval from all stakeholders. This milestone reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire team. We are excited to move forward with confidence and support as we continue to achieve our goals and deliver exceptional results.
WatchAndyTW 安迪
Unanimous Approval Ribbon Title
We are proud to announce that our project has received unanimous approval from all stakeholders. This milestone reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire team. We are excited to move forward with confidence and support as we continue to achieve our goals and deliver exceptional results.
AuNight 秋夜
UI/UX 設計師
Unanimous Approval Ribbon Title
We are proud to announce that our project has received unanimous approval from all stakeholders. This milestone reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire team. We are excited to move forward with confidence and support as we continue to achieve our goals and deliver exceptional results.
Yelodog 黃狗
Unanimous Approval Ribbon Title
We are proud to announce that our project has received unanimous approval from all stakeholders. This milestone reflects the hard work, dedication, and collaboration of our entire team. We are excited to move forward with confidence and support as we continue to achieve our goals and deliver exceptional results.